24 August 2010

Easy Come Easy Go...AWESOME FLAT!

This morning I cashed a hefty sum in travelers checks, and got two envelopes full of British currency.

After a tasty vegetarian English Breakfast and some tea at a small cafe, I met Rebecca and her mother and the three of us headed to Wood Green to FINALIZE OUR TENANCY AGREEMENT!

Big moment guys. And how do you know it was a big moment?

Because there was a lot of money involved.

And I didn't get to keep it.

That's right, Rebecca and I had to hand over upwards of three £Gs (grands, not gangstas). It was a bit painful, I felt slightly light headed. But I did appreciate my purse zipping closed with ease once the voluptuous envelopes had been deflated.

So, friends, I have a flat...it is actually official now--signed in three copies and backed by the strongest guarantor there is:



  1. I am so happy for you! I'm sure you will enjoy it, and let us know the address when you get around to it. LYSYB!!

  2. The queasiest I ever felt with a monetary transaction was when I had to write part of a semester tuition check for Brown.... more than $18,000 on a piece of paper with my signature.

    YAY, absolutely hooray (do they even say that in the UK - what do they say instead??)!!!
