16 May 2010

I feel like an immigrant...oh wait.

So I need a sponsor. Will you please tell the UK government that I am a legitimate student, a nice person, and a good listener? The last bit might help.

I have applied for my tier 4 student visa sponsorship! Hopefully the Institute will grant it to me (I mean, they will...unless they have a sick sense of humor). Then I may begin the application process for a tier 4 adult student visa so that I may traverse the trails of the EU and the location of my study trip (?!) legally and without problems should I come to a border.

Hopefully this time, when going through customs, my official and awesome-looking visa will encourage the person checking my passport NOT to play a joke on me, claiming that I am submitting a passport that is not my own. Oh wait, that only happens in the US.

In the meantime, I still need to figure out where I'm living, and with whom. And how to do that while a few thousand miles away. Hmm...

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